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The Parent Page

This is a link to This particular site will provide tips for how to talk with your kids about bullying. 

Click here to read more about youth and parent engagement.

This link will take you to an at home test that the kids can take to determine if they are involved in bully behavior and what to do about it. 

Below there is listed some resources that parents or guardians can use at home. Resources include websites with useful information and activities, as well as articles that some parents may find motivational in their efforts to help stop bullying. The best place to start is at home!


Useful and interesting websites


This website is filled with plenty of useful information including ways to respond to and prevent bullying, as well as who is at risk. 



This website is packed full of useful information! It also has an inventory that your chold can take to determine if they are a bully. There are also videos that you can watch to see different examples of bullying and to learn what you can do to help. 




This link leads to a great resource for parents from It is a "parent action toolkit" and it is filled with information on how to communicate with children and how to get involved with teachers and staff at school to help your child.


This website, like the others listed above, is filled with great information. Unlike the other websites, the bully project has great information for parents, teachers, advocates, and for children with special needs. 

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